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Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web

CS 790 course given at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. Winter 2011


Prof. Dr. Pascal Hitzler, 389 Joshi
Office hours: Thursdays, 1-2pm.
Please use email as main means of communication with me (besides talking with me in or after class).

Brief Description

Semantic Web is a maturing field of technology that continues to be the emphasis of much focused re-search and industrial investigation. The central idea behind Semantic Web is to enhance data on the World Wide Web by so-called metadata, which describes the meaning (semantics) of the data and thus makes it available for processing in intelligent systems. In this course we cover in depth the standardized knowledge representation languages for expressing metadata, called ontology languages. We will in particular cover the Resource Description Framework RDF and the Web Ontology Language OWL, both of which are recommended standards by the World Wide Web Consortium W3C.


  • In-depth knowledge of the standard ontology languages RDF and OWL.
  • Working knowledge in ontology modeling.
  • Overview knowledge on software tools for ontology languages.
  • First exposure to current research in ontology languages.

Class Hours, Dates, and Location

Tuesday 2:15pm to 3:55pm, Russ 355
Thursday 2:15pm to 3:55pm, Russ 355
Class starts 4th of January 2011 and ends 10th of March 2011


Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph, Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009. ISBN: 9781420090505.


There are no hard prerequisites for this class. Any knowledge about XML and about predicate logic will be helpful, but is not required. Necessary preliminaries will be covered in class.


Introduction, XML, Resource Description Framework RDF and RDF Schema (syntax, semantics, proof theory), Web Ontology Language OWL (syntax, semantics, proof theory), Ontology modeling, Selected ongoing research topics


01-introduction.pdf (final)
02-xml.pdf (final)
03-rdf.pdf (final)
Exercise sheet: 01-exercises.pdf (final)
04-rdfs.pdf (final)
05-rdfsemantics.pdf (final)
06-DLs.pdf (final)
07-DL-Semantics.pdf (final)
Exercise sheet: 02-exercises.pdf
08-OWL-Syntax.pdf (final)
09-OWL-Tableaux.pdf (final)
Exercise sheet: 03-exercises.pdf

Schedule (tentative, incomplete)

  • 01/04/10 Motvation/Introduction
  • 01/06/10 XML (essentials, brief recap)
  • 01/11/10 RDF part 1 - Syntax
  • 01/13/10 RDF part 2 - RDF Schema
  • 01/18/10 exercise session 1
  • 01/20/10 RDF part 3 - Semantics
  • 01/25/10 RDF part 4 - Semantics
  • 01/27/10 OWL part 1 - Description Logics
  • 02/01/10 no class
  • 02/03/10 no class
  • 02/08/10 OWL part 2 - Model-theoretic Semantics
  • 02/10/10 no class
  • 02/15/10 no class
  • 02/17/10 exercise session 2
  • 02/22/10 OWL part 3 - Web Syntax
  • 02/24/10 OWL part 4 - Tableaux Calculus
  • 03/01/10 no class
  • 03/03/10 no class
  • 03/08/10 class presentations
  • 03/10/10 class presentations


Homework 10%, Class Presentation 30%, Project 30%, Final Exam 30%

  • Homework: Students will take turns in presenting completed homework in class, and grading will be done by evaluating the participation in the tutorial sessions. (Grading dimensions: correctness, preparedness, understanding of the material, clarity of presentation, frequency of participation.)
  • Class Presentations: The class presentations will consist of the presentation of original research papers. (Grading dimensions: correctness, preparedness, understanding of the material, clarity of presentation.)
  • Project: The project will be an ontology modeling project which will have several parts and run over the whole quarter. Students are expected to write an experience report on each part. (Grading dimensions: adequacy of modeling, clarity and depth of experience report.)
  • Final Exam: The final exam will be oral, i.e. in the form of a short interview (20 minutes), with the examiner asking questions and the student answering. (Grading dimension: understanding of the course contents.)

Final Grades: A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F: 0-59. These may be adjusted in favor of the students.